
Everything You Forgot About in Algebra One

One day you are in high school 9th grade Algebra 1. You are sitting there solving for x , learning about lines, quadratics, and crazy things like imaginary numbers and radicals. Then you eventually graduate high school and move on with life. Then one day you have to remember this stuff again. The following is a summary from Algebra 1 Essentials for Dummies to help you remember these math facts. I had to so I am hoping this will aid you in your journey of remembering to. Mathematical Lexicon What is a Number Real Numbers: are just what the name implies: real. Real numbers represent real values -- no pretend or make-believe. They cover the gamut and can take on any form -- fractions or whole numbers, decimal numbers, that go on forever and ever without end. positive or negatives. Natural Numbers: (also called counting number) is a number that comes naturally. The natural numbers are the numbers starting with 1 and going up by ones: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on into infinity. Whol

An Introduction to Cocoapods

Introduction So my job is making me learn Swift as part of a new project I am supporting. This is fine. One of the many aspects of this job is the use of CocoaPods. Google Developer's put together a series of quick videos that give a nice overview of CocoaPods. I have gathered together into a YouTube playlist below to make this cliff notes review. Enjoy. Why CocoaPods? The old way of using third party libraries? Download and unzip files Drag frameworks and bundles to your project Link with new iOS libraries Add linker flags Go to step 1 if the 3rd party library also uses its own libraries What a pain! The Solution CocoaPods This provides developers writing code for iOS the ability to publish and bring in third party libraries via a Podspec file. This provides the definition of how the library will install into your application. A consumer of a CocoaPods library will write a Podfile that identifies what third party libraries (a.k.a. pods) your application wi